Slow travel on the Himalayan Queen


As travel becomes faster, cheaper and less personalized, slow-travel becomes one of those hidden luxuries.  Train travel is very much about slow travel.  There is time to sit and watch the passing surrounds of hills, villages and valleys.  It is time simply to absorb, relax and breathe.  It is also an opportunity to look at your new surrounds with fresh eyes and ears.  You may even catch yourself thinking.

India is one of those places which forces you to slow down and take a breather from your normal life.  Why not take that long awaited train journey on the Himalayan Queen from Delhi to Shimla with Vikas, who is currently on our Hidden Gems of the Himalayas Tour.  Next trip will 19-30 April 2020.  Along the way you will get to stay in Raj style hotels, visit and stay in a tea garden as well as have lunch with a local Gaddi family. The list is endless with so many hidden gems.

About Author

Sharon Thrupp
Sharon is passionate about India and the Himalayan region. She believes that while her Australia is her country by birth, India is the country of her heart. She first went to India in 1996 and later returned to volunteer helping Tibetans in Dharamsala in 2001, fell in love with the Himalayas and stayed. She is currently involved in a NGO in India helping underprivileged girls continue their education and spends her spare time walking in the foothills of the Himalayas and doing yoga.